Newbie Blogger Initiative 2012 logo. Typography over image of dragon, monitor, and mouse

Wrapping Up #MMONBI

TEXAS, 31 May — Anne of Jaded Alt has taken this awesome month of Newbie Blogger Initiative posts and published a ginormous master index of posts and topics everyone’s contributed on MMO blogging. A fantastic resource! 🙂

Jaded Alt

The Newbie Blogger Initiative was a great success, and in addition to all the new bloggers who got started, there were also a ton of articles on a multitude of topics about blogging. Since I’m such a list compiler, I’ve decided to put together this final compilation of all the advice that was given (and hopefully received!) during our newbie blog drive. Thanks for all your contributions!

Special thanks to Syp for getting us all together, and Binkenstein and Rezznul for reviewing and tweaking my categories.

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